The Center for Refuge is a grief and loss resource center, physically located in Lancaster, PA but offering services and support nationally and online.
The Center is a grief, loss and death support organization that exists to alleviate as much suffering as possible for individuals who are grieving and/or dying.
Through use of the end of life doula model, we offer grief support, education around end of life issues and provide resources, both print and digital, that are meant to help individuals in their journey through grief.
Our mission is simple: to companion the grieving. To support those who are hurting. And to cause as little harm as possible in the process.
We accomplish our goals and mission in a number of ways:
The Center for Refuge believes that people need safety and security while they grieve and while they die. Not only is there a fear of death but also fear being forgotten. We exist to alleviate grief, death & legacy anxieties by providing shelter, celebrating your life’s story and supporting you at the end of it.
As long as I can remember I have been a writer. I began my professional career in 2005, working in the field of memoir, life review, death and grief. I have written over 30 books on behalf of others. Under my own name I wrote the book Write Until You Feel Better and the forthcoming In Rememberance and On Blood & Water.
In 2019 I added the role of end-of-life doula to my work life after training with the International End of Life Doula Association (INELDA). That same year, I founded Beyond Morning, LLC, offering end-of-life doula and memoir writing services to the terminally ill and elderly. I also serve as a Holding Space Consultant in Training and Death Study Circle Facilitator with the Institute for the Study of Birth, Breath and Death.